choose baby clothes

To get dressed, there is no problem: you know which size to choose, you know your tastes, you anticipate the inconvenience of this or that material. But for a baby, what about? It’s not always easy to apply the same rules for you as for your child! Thus, it is better to be even more careful when buying baby clothes . We give you some tips!

What size for your newborn’s clothes?

Towards the end of your pregnancy, the doctor will be able to give you an approximate idea of ​​your baby’s height and weight. According to the information given, you will have to choose between the 1 month size or the birth size to adapt to the weight of your newborn!

Indeed, if the sizes indicated on baby clothes are in months, this does not mean that they correspond to reality. It is common for a baby over 4 kg to shed on the first day of 3 months. That is why many recommend waiting for childbirth before making purchases. Which is not always easy for parents who need to be ready on D-Day!

BA-BA: choosing the size of baby shoes and clothes

Choosing the right size for baby clothes and shoes is not always easy. Too small, too big, not suitable for the season… there can be many pitfalls! But then, how can you be sure…

What materials for your baby’s clothes?

During the first few months, baby’s skin is fragile . Sensitive to rubbing and itching, it should not be irritated. So, we can only advise you to choose natural materials. Cotton is undoubtedly the best solution. For parents who are in an ecological approach, there are clothes in organic cotton , silk, linen…

If you choose lace or embroidered clothing for your baby, always remember to put a bodysuit underneath. These lovely details tend to itch the skin and create redness. It’d be a shame if Baby wasn’t comfortable, wouldn’t it? He needs all his concentration and all his energy to wake up and explore!

Good to know

One of your relatives has bought a new garment for Baby? Have you wanted to update your dressing room? In both cases, remember to wash the garment well before putting it on your child. This will help rid it of sometimes toxic substances that the garment could carry in its fibers. Once done, you can dress Baby with it without worry!

What openings for your child’s clothes?

It is essential that baby clothes are easy to put on. This will prevent your child from crying, who generally does not like to be dressed or undressed… So, for the first few months, choose crossed bodysuits that do not go over the head.

Also, favor snaps at the crotch to facilitate diaper changes. For the first few months, avoid buttons and closures at the back. They are not very practical when you want to discreetly change baby during the night!

What are good practices for washing an infant’s clothes?

Again, you have to think about baby’s fragile skin. So, when washing your clothes , choose a mild detergent. It must be free of allergens. Marseille soap is particularly a good solution. And for the most sensitive skin, a fragrance-free detergent is recommended. The shape of the detergent is also very important! It is preferable to use powdered products that are less loaded with allergenic substances.

The third rule is to find the right dosage of detergent. Everything is in balance! Too much detergent could leave residue in the fibers of the garment and therefore irritate your child’s skin. However, if you do not put enough, the clothes will not be cleaned well. The idea is therefore to question the quantity of clothes in the drum of the washing machine. You should also pay attention to the hardness of the water:

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